Thursday 28 October 2010

Anjali Joseph says 'no labels' please

A quick mention of a nice piece in last Sunday's Independent about one of the authors included in the DSC South Asian Literature Festival ( The piece is about Anjali Joseph, author of first novel Saraswati Park, and is quite interesting on identity and 'diaspora writing'...

"Anjali Joseph: 'Stop trying to label me!'

Born in Bombay, educated in Cambridge – and dismissive of tags of nationhood for her debut novel, Anjali Joseph makes a combative case for a better understanding of modern, fluid identity.

Back in 1985, when I was seven, my family moved to England from Bombay. My father was a research scientist. He was going to teach at Warwick University. In his first week, a colleague offered to take him to the cafeteria at the campus arts centre. There were sandwiches, salads, baked potatoes, and something else, which the colleague indicated: "Have you tried these? They're called samosas. They're rather good...." Read the rest here.
The novel, and the author, sound intriguing - definitely one for the ever-growing reading list...

By the way, discovered this nifty 'browse this book' site where you can read the first 53 pages or so, on the publisher's website naturally.

Kind of related posts:
A new Anthology of British Asian writing
Indian authors writing in English
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1 comment:

Plummy Mummy said...

That browse this book site is brilliant. I can usually tell from the first few pages if I would bother reading more.
Mind you, I'm still waiting to read books you recommended last year which are on my shelf.